
Goodreads The Stranger's Message / Paul McCusker - 1.ed. - United States of America.: Focus on the familia, 1997 - 145p.: 19cm

"What would Jesus do...?" In an instant, the stranger's words died as he crumpled to the floor.

When a stranger arrives in Odyssey looking for work, a preoccupied Whit turns him away. But when the man unexpectedly shows up at Whit's End that evening and interrupts the kids' Bible Quiz contest, the unimaginable happens - he suddenly collapses from a heart attack!

The next morning in church, Whit wonders how he, as a Christian, should have responded to this hurting, needy person. Then, he challenges everyone to pledge that they will evaluate every decision they face by first asking, "What would Jesus do?"

But God's will is not always easy to determine, as Karen Crosby, Lucy Cunningham-Schultz, Oscar Peterson, Matt, and Jack Davis (even Whit!) soon discover. What would you do if you found a school official accepting bribes? Or learned that the town bullies had just stolen your friend's lunch money - again? After all, the Bible doesn't include special verses on dealing with issues like these, or does it?


Libros Cristianos para Niños
Literatura Infantil de Aventuras

813 / M133

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